English below

Skilmálar Stubb.is & Stubb appið

Notandi: Getur verið einstaklingur sem skráir upplýsingar hjá Stubb og/eða kaupir þjónustu.
Stubbur/Stubb: Stubbur Tickets ehf., kt. 440511-0230, eigandi og rekstraraðili stubb.is og Stubbur app.

Almennir skilmálar

  1. Yfirlestur miðakaupa: Vinsamlegast farið vel yfir miðakaupin þegar þau eiga sér stað. Athugið hvort rétt dagsetning, staðsetning og tímasetning sé skráð. Það getur komið fyrir að ekki sé hægt að leiðrétta miðakaup eftir á.
  2. Ábyrgð á viðburðum: Söluaðilar bera alfarið ábyrgð á gæðum þeirra vara og þjónustu sem þeir selja í gegnum Stubb og ber kaupanda að leita úrlausnar sinna mála til söluaðila.
  3. Framsal miða með fjárhagslegum hagnaði: Ekki er heimilt að framselja miða með fjárhagslegum hagnaði.
  4. Niðurfelling viðburða: Ef viðburður fellur niður, þá er eigendum miða boðnir sambærilegir miðar eða full endurgreiðsla.
  5. Vopnaburður: Allur vopnaburður ógildir miða án endurgreiðslu.
  6. Breyting á dag- eða tímasetningu: Ef dag- eða tímasetningu viðburðar er breytt, þá færast miðarnir sjálfkrafa á nýja dag/tímasetningu.
  7. Réttur til að falla frá miðakaupum: Eftir miðakaup hefur kaupandi 14 daga til að falla frá kaupunum.
  8. Aldurstakmark á viðburðum: Aldurstakmark ræðst af barnaverndarlögum og lögum um vínveitingahús.
  9. Takmarkaður miðafjöldi: Á suma viðburði er miðafjöldi takmarkaður.
  10. Upplýsingar og tölvupóstur: Kaupandi samþykkir að fá tilkynningar og tölvupóst tengda viðburðinum.
  11. Persónuvernd: Stubbur meðhöndlar persónuupplýsingar í samræmi við lög nr. 90 27. júní 2018 um persónuvernd.
  12. Ábyrgð aðstandenda: Allir viðburðir eru á ábyrgð aðstandenda viðburðar, en ekki Stubbs.
  13. Umgengisreglur: Kaupandi skuldbindur sig til að fylgja umgengisreglum á viðburðum.
  14. Persónulegir munir: Stubbur og aðstandendur viðburða bera enga ábyrgð á persónulegum munum miðaeigenda.
  15. Ábyrgð vegna meiðsla og tjóns: Seljandi miða eða aðstandendur viðburðar taka ekki á sig aukna ábyrgð en leiðir af lögum.
  16. Geymsla miða: Athugið að passa miðana vel. Týndur miði er tapað fé.
  17. Fall frá miðakaupum eða árskortum: Viljir þú falla frá kaupum innan 14 daga skaltu senda tilkynningu í pósti.
  18. Fyrirspurnir: Fyrirspurnir varðandi miðakaup skal senda á stubbur@stubbur.app.

Skilmálar þessir gilda frá og með 11. október 2024.

Stubbur Tickets ehf.
Heimilisfang: Melhagi 20, 107 Reykjavík
Kt: 4405110230
Vsk nr: 109762
Netfang: stubbur@stubbur.app

Terms of Stubb.is & Stubb App

User: Can be an individual who registers information with Stubb and/or purchases services.
Stubbur: Stubbur Tickets ehf., company registration number 440511-0230, owner and operator of stubb.is and the Stubb app.

General Terms

  1. Review of Ticket Purchases: Please carefully review the ticket purchases when they occur. Check that the correct date, location, and time are listed. It may not be possible to correct ticket purchases afterward.
  2. Responsibility for Events: Sellers bear full responsibility for the quality of the goods and services they sell through Stubbur, and the buyer must seek resolution of their issues with the seller. The same applies to the right of return. If the buyer believes the product does not match the product description, they must seek resolution with the seller.
  3. Transfer of Tickets for Financial Profit: It is not permitted to transfer tickets for financial profit. If a ticket is sold for financial gain to another party other than the event organizers, Stubbur reserves the right to invalidate the ticket entirely, and those found guilty of this may be reported to the police.
  4. Cancellation of Events: If an event is canceled, ticket owners are offered comparable tickets for the next date or a full refund for the ticket. The date and time of events may change without notice.
  5. Weapons: Any possession of weapons invalidates tickets without refund.
  6. Change of Date or Time: If the date or time of an event is changed, tickets will automatically be transferred to the new date/time. If the new date/time is not suitable, the buyer is entitled to a refund, but notification of such must be received within 10 days of the original event.
  7. Right to Withdraw from Ticket Purchases: After purchasing a ticket from Stubb, either through the website or the app, you have 14 days from the purchase of the ticket to withdraw from the purchase and request a refund for the ticket at stubb.is, according to Article 1 of Section 8 of Act No. 46/2000 on consumer contracts.
  8. Age Restrictions at Events: Age restrictions at events are determined according to the outdoor hours of the Child Protection Act and laws regarding liquor licensing.
  9. Limited Number of Tickets: For some events, the number of tickets is limited. If more tickets are purchased under the same name, phone number, personal identification number, email address, or credit card, Stubb reserves the right to invalidate all tickets purchased beyond the specified number.
  10. Information and Email: By purchasing a ticket from Stubb ticket sales, you agree to receive notifications or emails, such as information about the event or related services, from the party responsible for the event.
  11. Privacy Policy: Stubb handles personal information in accordance with Act No. 90 on personal data protection and the processing of personal information, dated June 27, 2018. Stubb’s privacy policy is available here.
  12. Behavior Regulations: The buyer commits to following the behavior regulations at events organized by the seller.
  13. Personal Belongings: Stubb and event organizers bear no responsibility for personal belongings of ticket holders before, during, or after the event.
  14. Liability for Injury and Damage: The ticket seller or event organizers do not assume any increased liability beyond what is required by law.
  15. Storage of Tickets: Please take good care of your tickets. A lost ticket is lost money.
  16. Withdrawal from Ticket Purchases or Season Passes: If you wish to withdraw from the purchase of a ticket or season pass within 14 days of the purchase, you must send a notification by mail to stubbur@stubbur.app with your name, email, phone number, and purchase information.
  17. Inquiries: Inquiries regarding ticket purchases should be sent to stubbur@stubbur.app, including your name, phone number, and order number if asking about a purchase that has already been made.

These terms are valid from October 11, 2024.

Stubbur Tickets ehf.
Address: Melhagi 20, 107 Reykjavík
Company registration number: 4405110230
VAT number: 109762
Email: stubbur@stubbur.app